Now that the month of April is at an end, it seems appropriate to summarize the Ruby-throated Hummingbird migration thus far. Most Michigan residents do not see their first hummingbird until the first week of May, and indeed that is the case in my own yard as well. But they have been recorded as early as April 8 and every year there are reports before April 15. This year there were 12 reports (4 confirmed) before April 15, up from 5 reports (2 confirmed) in 2007, with the earliest this year on April 10.
Between April 16-20 this year there were 15 reports (9 confirmed) compared with 8 reports (6 confirmed) in 2007. In late April (20th - 30th), reports tend to increase, and that certainly was the case this spring. Although there could still be a few reports yet to come in, 60 reports this spring exceeds the total of 50 reports for all of April in 2007.
The grand total of 87 reports (73 confirmed) is up a significant proportion from last year, and from most years. To keep up with the migration reports, visit the Great Lakes HummerNet website and click over to the 2008 data page.